The author is unknown, and no published versions have been found: If you have any information about who made this translation , whether there is a 3rd verse, or if there is any other Scots Gaelic version of the song, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
It is can by sung to either of the tunes commonly used for Away in a Manger:
- MUELLER by James R. Murray (1841-1905) in 1887 - used in many early publications, sometimes incorrectly attributed by Carl Müller, or referred to as a traditional French tune - and now best-known in the USA
- CRADLE SONG by William J Kirkpatrick (1895), most-common in the the UK.
This section may contain affiliate links: I earn from qualifying purchases on these. Free downloads are provided where possible (eg for public domain items).Examples
Children's choir with piano, tune CRADLE SONG
Singer with bells, professional recording, tune CRADLE SONG
Singers with fiddles - virtual choir, tune CRADLE SONG
Singer with keyboard, tune MUELLER
Singer with keyboard, tune MUELLER
Fada cian ann an stàball, gun leabaidh gun tàmh,Tha Iosa na shìneadh gun tuar air an làr;
Tha na reultan 's na Nèamhan a' sealltainn a-nuas
Air an leanabh bheag bhìodach cho dìblidh 's cho fuar.
Tha'n crodh le 'n cuid geumraich ga dhùsgadh à suain,
Ach Iosa na éiginn, cha chaoin e 's cha ghluais.
Mo ghaoil ortsa, Iosa! O seall orm a-nuas
Is fuirich ri m' thaobh gu 'n tig madainn mu 'n cuairt.
Fan dlùth dhomh, Thighearn' Iosa, na fàg mi ri m' bheò,
Ri m' thaobh a' toirt gaoil dhomh gus am fàg mi an deò;
Beannaich clann bheag an t-saoghail fo d' chùram 's fo d' threòir,
Los gu meal sinn do naomhachd 'nad rìoghachd 's na neòil.
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