Accept O Father in Thy Love

This is an offertory hymn.

It was written by Dutch-American Roman Catholic liturgist, composer and publisher Omer Westendorf (1916-1997) under the pseudonym J Clifford Evers, and first published The People's Hymnal released in 1961 by World Library Publications, Inc.

Other publications include:
  • Peoples Mass Book. Complete Daily Missal Edition, World Library of Sacred Music, Cincinnati, USA, 1964
  • People's Mass Book, New Daily Missal Edition, World Library of Sacred Music, Cincinnati, USA, 1966
  • Celebration Hymnal, Mayhew McCrimmon, Great Wakering, Essex, UK, 1976
  • The Complete Celebration Hymnal, Mayhew McCrimmon, Great Wakering, Essex, UK, 1984.

With meter LM, tunes it has been set to include:
  • AUCTORITATE SAECULI from Poitiers Antiphoner, 1746 - the tune used in the original publication, and many recent recordings
  • BRESLAU from Locheim Gesangbuch, 1452
  • FULDA by J. H. Kurzenknabe (1840-1927)



Singer with electronic keyboard / backing:

Choir with piano - recorded live:

Singer with guitar:

Singer with piano, practice video:

Choir and congregation with organ - tune AUCTORITATE SAECULI, chant style

Instrumental - piano. Tune BRESLAU

Instrumental - organ. Tune AUCTORITATE SAECULI

Instrumental - guitar and electronic keyboard (organ voice)


The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website. A rough outline is:

Original words

1 Accept, O Father, in thy love
These humble gifts of bread and wine,
That with ourselves we offer thee,
Returning gifts already thine.

2 Thy Son, the victim and the priest,
Through human hands doth here renew;
The perfect sacrifice of love
To render God our worship due.

3 Behold this host and chalice, Lord,
To thee on high the gifts we raise;
Through them may we our honour pay,
Our adoration and our praise.

4 Into thy precious blood, O Lord,
The priestly word will change the wine;
O may our sins be washed therein,
Our hearts be made like unto thine.

5 No earthly claim to grace is ours
Save what thy sacrifice has won;
Grant then thy grace, fulfil our needs,
And may thy will in ours be done.

Modern English

1 Accept, O Father, in Your love
These humble gifts of bread and wine,
That with ourselves we offer You,
Returning gifts already Yours.

2 You Son, the victim and the priest,
Through human hands does here renew;
The perfect sacrifice of love
To render God our worship due.

3 Behold this host and chalice, Lord,
To You on high these gifts we raise;
Through them may we our honour pay,
Our adoration and our praise.

4 Into Your precious blood, O Lord,
The priestly word will change the wine;
O may our sins be washed therein,
Our hearts be made like unto Yours.

5 No earthly claim to grace is ours
Save what Your sacrifice has won;
Grant then Your grace, fulfil our needs,
And may You will in ours be done.

See more ...


Original words

1 Accept, O Father, in thy love
These humble gifts of bread and wine,
That with ourselves we offer thee,
Returning gifts already thine.

2 Thy Son, the victim and the priest,
Through human hands doth here renew;
The perfect sacrifice of love
To render God our worship due.

3 Behold this host and chalice, Lord,
To thee on high the gifts we raise;
Through them may we our honour pay,
Our adoration and our praise.

4 Into thy precious blood, O Lord,
The priestly word will change the wine;
O may our sins be washed therein,
Our hearts be made like unto thine.

5 No earthly claim to grace is ours
Save what thy sacrifice has won;
Grant then thy grace, fulfil our needs,
And may thy will in ours be done.

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