The song was written by American itinerant music teacher and singing-evangelist, Philip P. Bliss (1838-1876) in 1875, and was originally composed for a revival meeting led by Ira D. Sankey (ref).
A Spanish translation was made by Henry Clifton Thomson (1844-1928) - and these dates mean that both the English and Spanish versions are public domain in many parts of the world.
With meter with refrain, tunes it is almost-always set to a tune composed for the text by Bliss which is sometimes called LIGHT OF THE WORLD.
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Singer / duet? with light string accompaniment:
Worship pastor with congregation and choir, piano accompaniment:
Singer with piano, words on-screen:
Close harmony - mixed video, accapella:
Choir - unaccompanied - from "The Singing Hymnbook" project:
Instrmental - organ:
Instrumental - piano, with words on-screen:
1. The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin,The light of the world is Jesus!
Like sunshine at noonday, His glory shone in;
The light of the world is Jesus!
Come to the light, ’tis shining for thee;
Sweetly the light has dawned upon me;
Once I was blind, but now I can see:
The light of the world is Jesus!
2. No darkness have we who in Jesus abide;
The light of the world is Jesus!
We walk in the light when we follow our Guide!
The light of the world is Jesus!
3. Ye dwellers in darkness with sin-blinded eyes,
The light of the world is Jesus!
Go, wash at His bidding, and light will arise;
The light of the world is Jesus!
4. No need of the sunlight in Heaven we’re told;
The light of the world is Jesus!
The Lamb is the light in the city of gold,
The light of the world is Jesus!
ABC Notation
About ABC notation
T:Light of the Word is Jesus
C:Philip P. Bliss (1838-1876)
"F"C | F G A A>G F | "C"G F G "F"A2 A | c3/2 c<c c2 A | A3 "C"G2 "F"C |
w:1~~~~The whole world was lost in the dark-ness of sin, the light of the world is Je-sus! Like
w:2~~~~No dark-ness have we who in Je-sus a-bide; --------We
w:3~~~Ye dwell-ers in dark-ness with sin-blind-ed eyes, -------- Go,
w:4~~~No need of the sun-light in Hea-ven we’re told; --------The
F G A A>G F | "C"G F G "F"A2 A | c3/2 c<c c2 A A3 "C7"G3 "F7"F3 |
w:1~~~~sun-shine at noon-day, His glo-ry shone in; The light of the wor-ld is Je-sus!
w:2~~~walk in the light when we fol-low our Guide!
w:3~~~wash at His bidd-ing, and light will a-rise;
w:4~~~Lamb is the light in the city_ of gold,
"C""chorus"G G "F"A "C"G2 c | "G7"^B A B "C"c3 | G G "F"A "C"G2 c | "G7"#B A B "C"c3 |
w:~~~~Come to the light, 'tis shin-ing for thee; Sweet-ly the light has dawned up-on me;
"F"c A B c2 "F7"A | "Bb"B A B d2 d | "F"c>c c c2 A | "C7"G3 "F"F2 z |]
w:~~~~Once I was blind, but now I can see: The light of the world is Jesus!
T:Light of the Word is Jesus
C:Philip P. Bliss (1838-1876)
"F"C | F G A A>G F | "C"G F G "F"A2 A | c3/2 c<c c2 A | A3 "C"G2 "F"C |
w:1~~~~The whole world was lost in the dark-ness of sin, the light of the world is Je-sus! Like
w:2~~~~No dark-ness have we who in Je-sus a-bide; --------We
w:3~~~Ye dwell-ers in dark-ness with sin-blind-ed eyes, -------- Go,
w:4~~~No need of the sun-light in Hea-ven we’re told; --------The
F G A A>G F | "C"G F G "F"A2 A | c3/2 c<c c2 A A3 "C7"G3 "F7"F3 |
w:1~~~~sun-shine at noon-day, His glo-ry shone in; The light of the wor-ld is Je-sus!
w:2~~~walk in the light when we fol-low our Guide!
w:3~~~wash at His bidd-ing, and light will a-rise;
w:4~~~Lamb is the light in the city_ of gold,
"C""chorus"G G "F"A "C"G2 c | "G7"^B A B "C"c3 | G G "F"A "C"G2 c | "G7"#B A B "C"c3 |
w:~~~~Come to the light, 'tis shin-ing for thee; Sweet-ly the light has dawned up-on me;
"F"c A B c2 "F7"A | "Bb"B A B d2 d | "F"c>c c c2 A | "C7"G3 "F"F2 z |]
w:~~~~Once I was blind, but now I can see: The light of the world is Jesus!
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