This English translation was made by English Anglican priest, scholar and hymnwriter, and later Roman Catholic convert-priest Edward Caswall (1814-1878), and published in the first edition of Hymnal Noted (1852).
With meter, tunes it is set to include:
Thy people's everlasting Light:
O Christ, Redeemer, save us all
And hear Thy servants when they call.
Thou, grieving that the ancient curse
Should doom to death a universe,
Hast found the healing full of grace
To cure and save our ruined race.
Thou cam'st the Bridegroom of the bride,
As drew the world to even-tide,
The spotless Victim all divine,
Proceeding from a virgin shrine.
At whose dread name, majestic now,
All knees must bend, all hearts must bow,
All things celestial Thee shall own,
And things terrestrial, Lord alone.
O Thou, whose coming is with dread
To judge the living and the dead,
Preserve us from the ancient foe
While still we dwell on earth below.
To God the Father and the Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One,
Praise, honor, might and glory be
From age to age eternally.
- CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM - plainsong (mode 4) - by far the most commonly used tune
- BRESLAU - composer unknown in the Episcopal publication, The Hymnal 1940
- An unnamed contemporary tune by Alex Mejias of High Street Hymns, 2011.
It is similar to "Creator of the starry height", which a translation of Conditor alme siderum by Francis Pott (1832-1909). A number of contemporary composers have also released recordings under the titlle Creator of the Stars of Night, with lyrics based on but but heavily adapted from the original.
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Choir, unaccompanied
Singer, unaccompanied
Singer with electronic organ
Choir with organ and bells - professional recording
Choir with orchestration - professional recording
Duet with piano and guitar
Contemporary setting, High Street Hymns tune
Instrumental - piano. Tune BRESLAU
Creator of the stars of night,Thy people's everlasting Light:
O Christ, Redeemer, save us all
And hear Thy servants when they call.
Thou, grieving that the ancient curse
Should doom to death a universe,
Hast found the healing full of grace
To cure and save our ruined race.
Thou cam'st the Bridegroom of the bride,
As drew the world to even-tide,
The spotless Victim all divine,
Proceeding from a virgin shrine.
At whose dread name, majestic now,
All knees must bend, all hearts must bow,
All things celestial Thee shall own,
And things terrestrial, Lord alone.
O Thou, whose coming is with dread
To judge the living and the dead,
Preserve us from the ancient foe
While still we dwell on earth below.
To God the Father and the Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One,
Praise, honor, might and glory be
From age to age eternally.
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