Meekness and Majesty (For this is your God)

This is a hymn about Jesus' humanity and divinity,  based on Matthew 11:29.

It was written by English evangelical worship leader and songwriter Graham Kendrick (b 1950) in 1986.

The text has meter with refrain.

It is set to an unnamed tune, also by Kendrick. This has a 3/4 time signature. In the key of C, the first few notes are E E F EDC G G A GED with accompanying chords C / Am / C7 / Am7

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Choir with harp:

Lead singer and band - contemporary arrangement

Children's choir with piano - competition performance

Composer with band and massed choir, concert performance:

Instrumental - organ:


The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on the author's website. A rough outline is:
1  Meekness and majesty, manhood and deity,
.... And washes our feet.

Chorus:O what a mystery,
Meekness and majesty.
Bow down and worship
For this is your God,
This is your God.

2  Father's pure radiance,
.... Prays: 'Father forgive.'

3  Wisdom unsearchable,
..... To the heights of His throne.

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Meekness and majesty,
Manhood and Deity,
In perfect harmony,
The Man who is God.
Lord of eternity
Dwells in humanity,
Kneels in humility
And washes our feet.

O what a mystery,
Meekness and majesty.
Bow down and worship
For this is your God,
This is your God.

Father's pure radiance,
Perfect in innocence,
Yet learns obedience
To death on a cross.
Suffering to give us life,
Conquering through sacrifice,
And as they crucify
Prays: 'Father forgive.'

Wisdom unsearchable,
God the invisible,
Love indestructible
In frailty appears.
Lord of infinity,
Stooping so tenderly,
Lifts our humanity
To the heights of His throne.

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