Come to the Banquet - Chepponis

This is a joyful Communion hymn.  It was written in 1997 for the 25th anniversary of the dedication of the church of St. Malachy in Coraopolis, PA, USA, and first published by GIA in 2000.   It is intended for use at First Communion celebrations - combining a bright attractive tune, a very singable chorus, and verses with present deep theology - which probably need to be sung by a choir or cantor.  It has also become popular for weddings in some places.

It was written by was written by American Roman Catholic priest, musician and composer James J. Chepponis (b 1956).

The verses are based on a translation of the Latin "Sancti venite Christi corpus sumite" by made by John Mason Neale (1818-1866), while the chorus and a new tune, (DRAW NEAR AND TAKE THE BODY) are by Chepponis.

The tune has a 6/8 time signature. In the key of G, the first few notes of the chorus are G F G FD EDC D_ with accompanying chords G / Bm7 / Am7 / D.

Priest at the altar, holding the Eucharistic cup with the book visible on the altar beside him.


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Cantor and congregation with organ - live in a church service:

Singer with piano - live in a church service:

Choir with organ and violin - live in a church service:

Instrumental - piano:


The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website. A rough outline is:
Come to the banquet, come to the feast. Eat the bread of life!
Share in the singing, share in the joy. Drink the cup of love!

1 Draw near and take the body of the Lord ...

2 Salvation’s giver, Christ, the only Son ...

3 Come forward then with faithful hearts sincere ...

4 With heavenly bread makes those who hunger whole ...

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Come to the banquet, come to the feast. Eat the bread of life! Share in the singing, share in the joy. Drink the cup of love! 1 Draw near and take the body of the Lord, And drink the holy blood for you outpoured. Saved by his body, hallowed by his blood, With souls refreshed, we give our thanks to God. 2 Salvation’s giver, Christ, the only Son, Who by his cross and blood the victory won. Gave up his life for greatest and for least, Himself the victim and himself the priest. 3 Come forward then with faithful hearts sincere, And take the promise of salvation here. The Lord, who faithful servants loves and shields, to all believers life eternal yields. 4 With heavenly bread makes those who hunger whole, Gives living waters to the thirsting soul. Before your presence, Lord, all people bow. In this your feast of love be with us now.

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