I Believe in Jesus - Nelson

This is a short worship song and statement of faith in Jesus Christ. It was written by American worship leader and song-writer Marc Nelson. First published in 1987 by Mercy/Vineyard Publishing, it has been included in a number of worship song compilations - mainly in the UK.

It is set to an unnamed tune, also by Nelson. This has a 4/4 time signature. In the key of Eb, the first few notes of the melody are BA AA AGG GF, with accompanying choirs Eb / Ab / Bb sus.

The two different parts of the words an be arranged in various wasy (as rounds, with echos, etc), and also expanded to other parts of speech, eg addressing Jesus directly with "I believe in You Lord"

I believe in Jesus superimposed on Christ Panocrator mosiac - I believe in Jesus, I believe He is the Son of God. I believe He died and rose again. I believe He came for us all. And I believe He is here now, standing in our midst. Here With the power to heal now, and the grace to forgive


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Solo singer with acoustic guitar:

Professional worship video, solo singer with backing:

Singer with band, professional recording:

Singer with guitar:

Band, professional recording:

Praise band, live in a church service - with the Apostles Creed inserted:

Singer with guitar:

Acoustic praise band:

Singer, unaccompanied:

Professional recording, words on-screen:

Instrumental - piano:


The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website. A rough outline is:
I believe in Jesus, I believe He is the Son of God.
I believe He died and rose again. I believe He came for us all.
And I believe He is here now, standing in our midst.
Here With the power to heal now, and the grace to forgive.

I believe in You, Lord. I believe You are the ....

See also

I believe in Jesus, I believe He is the Son of God.
I believe He died and rose again. I believe He came for us all.
And I believe He is here now, standing in our midst.
Here With the power to heal now, and the grace to forgive.

I believe in You, Lord. I believe You are the Son of God.
I believe You died and rose again, I believe You paid for us all.
And I believe You're here now, Standing in our midst.
Here With the power to heal now, and the grace to forgive.

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