Gathered Together as Friends of the Master (We are the Easter People)

This is a hymn about the experience of the apostles immediately after Jesus resurrection, which is particularly suitable for the season of Easter-tide. It was written by English Methodist teacher, chaplain and hymn-writer Brian Richard Hoare (b 1935). 

It was first published by Jubilate Hymns Ltd in 1988, and is also known as "Easter People".

Possibly it was written specifically for (or inspired by) the evangelical Methodist Easter People national events which were held annually from 1987 to 2007: some people who requested the hymn have mentioned singing it there, and Hoare was a speaker at the event on some occasions.

The text has meter 11 10 11 11 and refrain.   It must have been sung to a tune, either one written for the text, or another one with that meter - but no evidence about that tune was has been found. The song does not appear to have been included in any hymn-books.

The disciples at pentcost, having received the holy spirit - di Buoninsegna


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The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on the publisher's website. A rough outline is:
1 Gathered together as friends of the Master,
... but Jesus appeared and he lives evermore!

And we are Easter people, risen with Christ;
Easter people, alive in him:
Easter people. dancing, singing, praising
bringing to our risen Saviour, Lord and King.

2 Gathered together as friends of the Master;
.... and death could not hold him, he's risen again!

3 Gathered together as friends of the Master,
.... for Jesus is risen, alive from the dead!

See also

1 Gathered together as friends of the Master, fear in their hearts and a bolt on the door; crucified, buried, their hopes lay in ruins: but Jesus appeared and he lives evermore! Chorus: And we are Easter people, risen with Christ; Easter people, alive in him: Easter people. dancing, singing, praising bringing to our risen Saviour, Lord and King. 2 Gathered together as friends of the Master; joy in our hearts as we sing to his name. Crucified, buried but for our salvation: and death could not hold him, he's risen again! 3 Gathered together as friends of the Master, sharing with others the things that he said; crucified, buried the Whole world's Redeemer, for Jesus is risen, alive from the dead!

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