God Loves a Cheerful Giver

This is a song for children about generosity It was written by American Roman Catholic and Medical Mission Sister Miriam Therese Winter (b 1938).  The chorus is based on 1 Corinthians 9, while the verses tell the story of various biblical characters (Peter, Job and Jonah).

It was originally included in Winter's 1966 collection I Know the Secret, which was accompanied by a record released by Advante Garde Records (ref).   This is now out of print but copies are often available on Amazon.

The only subsequent source of sheet music that has been located is  Alleluya!  77 Songs for Thinking People.   This is also out of print, but 2nd hand copies may be more easily located since it was published in 1980.

The tune has a 2/4 time signature, and in the key of G the first few notes are G GG GD GB AA AG E.   On the original recording the tune is bright, breeze and upbeat, while a later recording by Mack Bailey (video below) adds a slight country-and-western feel.

It is different to the song of the same name by Steve Green, although the chorus is inspired by the same piece of scripture.

God lovers a cheerful giver - text with a smiley face on floral background


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Solo singer, self accompanied on guitar:

Children's choir with piano:

1950's or 60's style hymn-singers with organ:


The lyrics are copyright so cannot be reproduced here. But they are currently available on this website. The song starts with a five-line chorus, and this is repeated after each of the four verses. A rough outline is:
God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Give it all you've got,
He loves to hear you laughing
when you're in an awkward spot.
When the odds add up against you,
It's time to stop and sing,
Praise God, to praise Him is a joyous thing.

1- Peter always made a fuss, Peter was impetuous ...

2  Jonah was a gloomy sort, he always had a sad report ...

3  Holy Job was richly blessed, he lost it all but stood the test .....

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Chorus: God Loves a Cheerful Giver Give it all you've got, He loves to hear you laughing when you're in an awkward spot. When the odds add up against you, It's time to stop and sing, Praise God, to praise Him is a joyous thing. 1- Peter always made a fuss, Peter was impetuous, He knew hard times when he denied his Lord. But hardly had he fallen When he sat right up began again, Christ named him the rock, As his reward. 2 Jonah was a gloomy sort He always had a sad report. He ran from God, he ran and he set sail. His journeys end was quiet abrupt, A fish came by and swallowed him up, He spent three dark and dreary days Inside a whale. 3 Holy Job was richly blessed, He lost it all but stood the test, For Job was steadfast in his misery. God gives to me, he takes away Blessed be the name of God this day And he was doubly blessed for his fidelity.

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