News and Hymn Requests - June 2017

After a month of strong interest in Marian hymns during May, followed by devotion to the Sacred Heart during June, summer has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere.   So the number of new hymn requests has slowed down considerably.    I'm hoping to spend some time in the next month catching up with older requests, as well as doing more work on hymns that are popular in the southern hemisphere - where it's most definitely not summer, and where most people have settled down to get through the winter.

The list below has all requests received between April and May, and some from June too.

Hymn and song research requests April-June

A song used dung Holy Thursday foot-washing

This request didn't include the song title, but did have a couple of phrases from the text:
I Have given you this commandment...
I have given an example...
Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any song with those exact phrases. One similar song is Gregory Norbet's 'The Lord Jesus' - but it's not an exact match. If you can suggest any other possibilities, please leave a message in the Comments box at the bottom of the page.

All Hail Jesus

This request may be for a song by James Hellings and Josh Gifford which was released in 2004 by Vineyard Records. A chord chart is available from their website, but no sheet-music source has been found.

Or it may be for a Good Friday anthem by Pamela Scott - which is available from SheetMusicPlus.

All the Earth Proclaim the Lord

Information about this song by French priest Lucien Deiss is now available here.

An Irish Blessing

Information about this song is available here.

Any songs for the feast of the Sacred Heart

A number of hymns about the Sacred Heart are available here - and more information about the feast is also available.

As I Kneel Before You

Information about this song by Maria Parkinson is now available here.

Assurance March

Information about this song is now available here.

Bind us Together Lord

Information about this song by Bob Gillman is now available here.

Bring Flowers of the Fairest

Information about this song - which is indeed very popular in Ireland - is available here.

Note that the actual title is ""Bring Flowers of the Rarest"" - and it's understandable that many people hear the last word as ""Fairest"".

Christ is Alive

This request just included the title. It may refer to Pamela Stotter's song Christ is Alive with Joy we Sing, or Brian Wren's "Christ is Alive let Christian's Sing" - or maybe something else again.

Come Holy Spirit I Need You

Information about this song is now available here.

Come to the Water

Information about Come to the Water by Fr Frank Andersen is available here - and that's probably what the person who submitted this request was looking for. There's another setting by John Foley which is also very well known in English-speaking countries which haven't heard the Australian version.

El Shaddai

Information about this contemporary-Christian-music song from the 1980s is now available here.

Fatima Ave

Information about this song is available here.

Field full of Flowers and the Wood full of Pine

Information about this song by Paul Quinlan, officially called "Praise the Holy of Holies"  is now available here.

Fill my Cup Lord

This hymn about the Samaritan woman at the well is has been added to the list for future research.

First I Must Honour God

Information about this song, officially called The Ten Commandments, is available here.

Gaze Upon the Lord

Some information about this song is available here - and it has been added to by the person who made this request. Unfortunately I still haven't been able to find any sheet music for it.

Glorious God King of Creation

Information about this song by Sebastian Temple is now available here.

Glory to God in the Highest

This request only included the phrase "Glory to God in the highest". There have been very many songs written with this text, becasue it is from the liturgy. One example John Foley's Give Glory to God - but there are many others, and without more information I cannot work out which one is referred to here.

Go Tell Everyone

This English song was requested by a reader who heard it in the in the charismatic renewal in San Francisco in the 70's. Information about it is available here.

God and Man at Table are Sat Down

Information about this song is available here.

God be our Light

This request just included the title "God be our Light" - and it hasn't been possible to identify a hymn with this exact title. Possibly you were looking for Bernadette Farrell's "Christ be our Light"? If not, please try again, this time providing more details.

God of Mercy and Compassion

Information about this Lenten hymn is available here.

Hear O Lord

Information about this song by Ray Repp is now available here.

Holy God we Praise Thy Name

Information about this classic Catholic hymn is available here.

Holy Ground

Information about this song, which was written by Christopher Beatty and covered by John Michael Talbot, is now available here.

I am the Bread of Life

Information about this song by Suzanne Toolan RSM is now available here.

I Say Yes my Lord

Information about this song is now available here.

I Walk with God

This request just included the title "I walk with God". There are a number of songs and hymns with this title - some contemporary, some a lot older. Without some more information about the song, I cannot even guess which one you're looking for.

I Will be With You

Information about this song by Gerald Markland is available here.

In Bread we Bring You Lord

Information about this song by Kevin Nichols is now available here.

In the Holy of Holies

This song was requested by a reader who heard it in Zambia.

From the lyrics which they provided, I am 99% sure that they aren't looking for the song with the same title by Geron Davis, which starts ""In the Holy of Holies, behind the heavy veil"".

If you have any more information about a song with the following lyrics, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
In the holy of holies, of holies where God answers prayer,where God answers prayer my life is so different,so different because he told he cares.....

Is Naofa

This request just included the title. It's likely that the version wanted is from the Sean O'Riada setting of the Irish-language version of Mass. The text is available here. The tune is still copyright, and I haven't beel able to find anywhere to buy published versions.

Jealous of an Angels

Information about this song which is popular for funerals is now available here.

Jesus my Lord

This request only provided the phrase shown. Maybe you were looking for the classic Catholic hymn, Sweet Sacrament - Jesus my Lord my God my All? If that's not the right one, then try again with some more details.

Let There be Love Shared Among Us

An information page about a variation of this song is found here.

Little Donkey

This Christmas song has been added to the list for research later in the year.

Live in the Spirit of your Maker

Information about this song by Christine McCann is now available here.

Look Beyond the Bread you Eat

Information about this song by Darryl Ducote is now available here.

Lord of the Dance

Information about this song by Sydney Carter is available here.

Mary Loving Mother

Some information about this song, which was requested by a reader from Uganda, is available here.

If you know anything more about it - especially the tune it is sung to - please leave a message in the Comment box near the bottom of the page.

Mother of Mine

Information about this song by Bill Parkinson is now available here.

My Soul Glorifies the Lord

This setting of the Magnificat by Ken Belasco was requested by a reader who heard it in Trinidad in the 1980s. Some information about it is now available here.

My Soul is Joyful - Andersen

Information about this song is available here.

St Joseph God has Chosen You

Information about this hymn about St Joseph is available here.

Summertime in my Heart

Information about this song is now available here.

The Astronaut Carol

This song was requested by a reader who said that it was written by Estelle White, used in a Christmas Day televised mass from St. John Fisher's High School Harrogate in 1973, and that the lyrics include
"Three of us journey on through this end less night"

A recording of the Mass is available here on YouTube, and the Astronaut Carol starts at about 49 minutes. However no other information about it has been located: it is lot listed among White's published works, and there is no reference to it in the brief biography of Estelle White which was written by Veronica Whitty.

If you have any more information about this song, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

This request just included the titlle, and the fact that the hymn has three verses. Unfortunately I haven't been able to identify which of the many songs about the Holy Spirit was intended.

The Lord's my Shepherd

This request just included the title - which is a challenge because this text has been set to a very wide variety of tunes. One well-known one is CRIMMOND from the Scotttish Psalter - some information about it is available here. If you are looking for another setting, please try again and provide some more information about it - even a YouTube link helps.

The Perfect Face

This Estelle White and officially called I Saw the Grass, has been added to the list for future research.

There is a World Where People Come and Go

This song was requested by a reader from England, who heard it in school assembly during the 1970s. They correctly guessed that it was written by Estelle White - and more information about it is now available here.

There's a Place that I'm Longing to Go

This request is for a song performed by the Collingsworth family. The actual song title is 'That's The Place I'm Longing To Go'. The Colllingsworth's commented on Facebook in 2011 that the sheet music isn't available yet, and it doesn't look like that's changed.

Uain De

This request is for the Irish-language version of the Lamb of God / Agnus Dei, which was heard on the radio.

The text is available here. Unfortunately no information was provided about the tune, so I cannot suggest what it might have been.

Whatsoever You Do

Information about this song is available here.

When the Trumpet of the Lord shall Sound

This hymn by James Milton Black has been added to the list for future research.

Zaccaeus was a Funny Little Man

This song was requested by a visitor who remembered it from primary school in Scotland. There are actually several versions of - one that is well known in Ireland is here.

Getting updates about requested songs and hymns

If you subscribe to the mailing list, you will get an email when new hymns and hymnal-listing are added, and when new newsletters are posted:

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Are you looking for a hymn or song?

Are you searching for the words or sheet music for a particular song or hymn - especially from the last 50 or so years?

The Hymn Finder tool is your first port of call.   It is a customized search tool, which lets you search for any words from the hymn - and looks for them in a set of websites that are known to contain hymns.    This means that you get results which are hymns - instead of sermons and newsletters which just contain snippets, or pages about totally different topics which just happen to contain those words.

If this doesn't help, then submit a request using the hymn research request tool, and it will be responded to in next month's newsletter


  1. Following words of in the holies of holies;....he told me he loves me (repeat) wash away all my sins (repeat) in the holies of holies where the Lord answers my...

    1. Hey. I remember singing this song in 2011 and 2012 at St Joseph's secondary school (in Zambia) when I was in my 8th and 9th grade. Here are the lyrics I remember:

      In the holy of holies
      Where the lord answers prayers
      My life is so different
      Since he told me cares
      He said that he loves me
      Wash away all my sins
      My life is so different
      Since he told me he cares

      Blessed is who
      (Who comes) in the name of the Lord
      My life is so different, since he told me he cares

      He said that he loves me
      Wash away all my sins
      My life is so different
      Since he told me he cares
