After all the busy-ness of Easter, most church musicians will have taken a break this week. But they won't be resting for too long: Divine Mercy Sunday is close, and so are St George's Day, ANZAC Day - and of course Marian hymns for the month of May, for those in the northern hemisphere.
The list below has all requests received between January and March, and a few from April too. If your recent request isn't here, keep checking regularly because I'm now making good progress with the requests.
Hymn and song research requests for this quarter
A Message from the Sacred Heart
Information about this song is available here.All Around There is Music and Beauty and Peace
Information about this song, which is usually called Dawn it is Breaking, was requested by a visitor from India. It is now available here.All that I Am
Information about this hynm by Sebastian Temple is available here.Around the Altar
Some information about this hymn from Nigeria is available here.Ave, Ave Maria
This request was from someone who heard the song in a Catholic church in Northern Ireland. Maybe it was the Lourdes Hymn. Or there are many other hymns that include the same phrase, including some lovely settings eg Elgar's "Ave Maria".Brigher than the Setting Sun
This request only included the title, and unfortunately I haven't been able to find any hymn with this name. If you have any more information about it, please request it again.Burryport
This hymn-tune has been added to the list for future researchBut i say unto you love your enemies
This song, officially called Be Like Your Father, has been added to the list for future research.But we see Jesus
An information page about this hymn is available here.
Come Lord Jesus
This Advent hymn was written by American Medical Mission Sister Miriam Therese Winter. There is now an information page about it here.Come to the Water - Andersen
Information about this song by Australian priest and musician Frank Andersen is available here.Daily Daily Sing to Mary
Information about this Marian hymn is available here.Dear St Joseph Pure and Gentle
Information about this hymn, also known as Hail St Joseph, is now available here.Deep Calls to Deep
Information about this song by Estelle White is now available here.Don't Worry About Food
Information about this song by Sr Miriam Therese Winter is available here.Eat This Bread
Thsi request only included the phrase "Eat this Bread" - it is likely that it is for the Taizé chant of the same name, which has also had verses put with it by. It has been added to the list for future researchEvery Tiny Star's Twinkle
Information about this song by Indian composer Peter Gonsalves is now available here.Fill my eyes O lord with a Vision of the Cross
Information about this short song is now available here.From Salem's Plain
Information about this hymn for Palm Sunday is now available here.Give me Joy in my Life
Information about this traditional song is now available here.Gloria
Unfortunately this request only included the one-word title "Gloria", and this wasn't enough to identify it. Try again with some more information.Hallowed be the Name
Information about this song by Lilly Green is now available here.He Did Not Have to Die
This song was requested by a visitor who heard it in a Methodist church in India. I haven't been able to find a song which is an exact match for the lyrics the quoted.He did not have to die on CalvaryOne possibility is Do You Remember, written in the UK in the 1960s by Crossbeats - but only a small portion of the lyrics are the same. If you have any other suggestions about what it may be, please lease a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.
Amazing grace of God, beyond degree
He suffered willingly from sin to set me free
Before the world began.......
His Way Mine
Information about this Gospel song is available here.How Excellent
Information about this hymn is available here.I Believe that Jesus Died for Me
Information about this song by Sir Jude Nnan is now available here.I Can Not Come to the Banquet
The person who requested this song already has the words, they are now looking for the sheet music. Because it is still copyright, I cannot send a copy - but there is information about where to find it on the song's information page.I was Born Before Creation
Information about this song by John Glynn is now available here.I Will be With You Wherever You Go
Information about this song by English writer Gerald Markland is available hereIs Naofa Naofa Tua
This request is for the Sean O'Riada setting of a piece from Irish-language version of Mass. The text is available here. But the tune is still copyright, and I haven't beel able to find anywhere to buy published versions.Jesus Emmanuel
This request is for a song by Willard F Jabusch. I have found a reference to it being included in a book 'A Heritage of hymns : melodies from around the world, new texts by Willard F. Jabusch' - but have not been able to find any other information about it.Jesus is Life
Information about this song by Carey Landry is now available here.Jesus is Mine
Information about this song is now available here.Let all that is Within me Cry Holy
Information about this hymn is now available here.Man of Sorrows Wrapt in Grief
Information about this hymn by Matthew Bridges is available here.May the Road Rise up to Greet You
This request is for the version of An Irish Blessing which was heard here on the site - I'm guessing that the sheet music is wanted. Unfortunately without knowing which video you heard, it's not possible to identify the specific version.O God we Give Ourseles Today
Information about this hynm is available here.O God You are my Strength
Information about one version of this song is available here.O the Word of my Lord
Information about this song, also called Song of a Young Prophet, is available here.One Day will Come
Information about this hymn by Caribbean musician Ronald Gokool is now available here.Peace Lamb of God
This request only included the title "Peace Lamb of God" and that it was heard in Ireland. Browsing YouTube suggests that there are a number of Lamb of God arrangements that have this title, so I'm not able to identify which one you are looking for. If you are able to give any more details, please try again.Praise God in His Holy Dwelling
This hymn by Omer Westendorf has been added to the list for future research.
This request only included the one-word title - making it more than a little difficult to identify what hymn you had in mind! If you can provide more details, please send in another request.Soul of my Prayer
This request from India only included the title - and unfortunately I have not been able to find a hymn with this title. If you have any more information about it, please try again.St Sebastian
This request is perhaps for any hymns about St Sebastian - some suggestions, and information about Sebastian, are now available here.
Sweet Sacrament Divine
Information about hymn by Francis Stanfield is available here.Take Lord Receive
Information about this song by American composer John B Foley, SJ is now available here.The Night Before our Saviour Died
Information about this song by Damian Lundy is now available here.The Peacespeaker
Information about this song is now available here.This is What Yahweh Asks of You
Information about this hymn, based on the Book of Micah, is available here.Truly Yahweh was in this Place
Information about this song by Frank Andersen MSC is now available here.Ven ven al Banque
The full title of this bi-lingual Spanish / English song is Ven al Banquete / Come to the Feast. Information about it is now available here.We are Gathered as the Body of our Lord
Information about song is now available here. I haven't been able to find out the composer though - if you know any more about where it came from, please leave a message in the Comments box at the bottom of the page.What a Friend we have in Jesus
An information page about this hymn is available here.You have Called us out of Darkness
This request is for a song including the phrase "You have called us out of darkness" by Graham Kendrick. A search of the songs on his website doesn't show any songs with that exact wording. So maybe the phrase is different - or maybe the song is by someone else? One likely option is this song by Lynn DeShazo and Martin Nystrom, which has been recorded by Kendrick.That's all for this month
I still have a number of recent requests which are being worked on - and some have even been completed, they just haven't made it into this newsletter! Keep an eye out for the next newsletter, which should be only a month or so away.Getting updates about requested songs and hymns
If you subscribe to the GodSongs.net mailing list, you will get an email when new hymns and hymnal-listing are added, and when new newsletters are posted:Please note that shortly after you subscribe, Feedburner will send you a verification-request message - be sure to click on the link, so your subscription is complete.
Are you looking for a hymn or song?
Are you searching for the words or sheet music for a particular song or hymn - especially from the last 50 or so years?The Hymn Finder tool is your first port of call. It is a customized search tool, which lets you search for any words from the hymn - and looks for them in a set of websites that are known to contain hymns. This means that you get results which are hymns - instead of sermons and newsletters which just contain snippets, or pages about totally different topics which just happen to contain those words.
If this doesn't help, then submit a request using the hymn research request tool, and it will be responded to in next month's newsletter
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