O Come all ye Faithful

This Christmas carol was written in Latin - it is not clear who the author of the text was, or even if was originally written in the 13th or 17th century.   The oldest text only had four verses (as quoted below), but various others have been added also.

The English translation that is commonly used today was made by English priest and Roman Catholic convert Frederick Oakeley (1802–1880).

It is one of a very small number of religious songs for which both the Latin and English texts are widely known by people in English-speaking countries.   And it has also been covered by many contemporary artists.

With irregular meter, it is almost always set to a tune that is usually attributed to John Francis Wade (1711–1786) - although there are suggestions that others may have written some / all of it (see Wikipedia for details).   The tune is also titled ADESTE FIDELES.  

The hymn is frequently published in the key of G, but the simple sheet music below is in the slightly lower key of F, and includes the Latin and English text on the same stanza, and page 2 has the full text of the verses in English and Latin facing each other.


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Orchestra, organ, choir and congregation - O Come all ye Faithful:

Duo self-accompanied on guitar:

Male voice choir with piano accompaniment - Adeste Fideles:


In Latin

Adeste Fideles laeti triumphantes,
Veníte, veníte in Bethlehem.
Natum vidéte, Regem Angelorum:

Veníte adoremus,
Veníte adoremus,
Veníte adoremus Dóminum.

Deum de Deo, lumen de lúmine,
gestant puellae viscera
Deum verum, genitum non factum:

Cantet nunc io chorus Angelórum
cantet nunc aula caelestium:
Gloria in excelsis Deo:

Ergo qui natus, die hodierna
Jesu, tibi sit glória
Patris aeterni Verbum caro factum:

In English

O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant!
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem!
Come and behold him, born the King of angels;

O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him,
O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!

God of God, Light of Light eternal,
lo, he abhors not the virgin’s womb;
Son of the Father, begotten, not created;

Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation,
sing, all ye citizens of heaven above:
“Glory to God, all glory in the highest!”

Yea, Lord, we greet thee, born this happy morning;
Jesus, to thee be all glory given;
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing;

ABC Notation

About ABC notation

T:Adeste Fideles / O Come All ye Faithful
C:John Francis Wade (1711-1786)
Z:abc-transcription www.GodSongs.net
F|"F" F2 C F|"C" G2 C2|"F" A G A "Bb" B|"F" A2 "C" G F|
w:A-des-te, fi-de-les, lae-ti tri-um-phan-tes; Ve-
w:O come, all ye faith-ful, joy-ful and tri-um-phant, O
"Dm" F2 E "G" D|"C" E F G "F" A|"C" E2 "G7" D>C|"C" C3 z|
w:ni-te, ve-ni_te in Be-th-leh-em.
w:O come ye, O come ye, to Bet-th-le-hem.
"F" c2 B A|"Gm" B2 "F" A2|"C" G A "Gm" F G|"C" E>D CF|
w:Na-tum vi-de-te Re-gem an-ge-lo_rum. Ven-
w:Come and be-hold Him, born the King of angels;__ O
"F" F "C"E "F"F "C"G|"F"F2 C A| A "C"G "F"A "C7"B|"F"A2 "C"G "F"A|
w:i-te a-dor-emus,_ Ven-i-te a-dor-e-mus, Ven-
w:come let us a-dore Him; Oh come let us a_dore Him
"C7"B "F"A "C"G "G7""F" F|"C" E2 "F" F "Bb" B|"F" A2 "C" G>F|"F" F3|]
w:i-te a-dor-e-mus_ Do_mi-num.
w:Oh come let us adore Him,_ Christ,_ the Lord.

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