The Thirteenth of May - European lyrics

This is a hymn about Mary's appearance at Fatima.

It is an English-language translation of "Avé de Fátima" AKA "A treze de Maio" by Portugese poet António Botto (1892-1959). The translator is unknown.

It is set to the tune FATIMA's COVE.

There is also a similar translation for use the the United States of America.


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The thirteenth of May
In the Cove d'Iria,
Appeared oh so brilliant
The Virgin Maria.

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria,
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!

The Virgin Maria
Encircled by light;
Our own dearest Mother
And heaven's delight.

To three shepherd children
Our Lady appeared
The light of her grace
To her Son, souls endeared.

With war and its evils
The whole world was seething,
And countless of thousands
Were mourning and weeping.

By honouring Mary
And loving her Son
The peace of the world
Will most surely be won.

ABC Notation

T:Thirteenth of May / Treze de Maio
Z:abc-transcription ,
D | "G" G G B | "G" d d B | "G" d d B | "D" A A B |
"C" c c A | "G" B B G | "D" A A D | "G" G G D |
"G" B2 A | "G" G2 G | "Am" A "G" B "D" c | "D/A" A2 D |
"C" d2 c | "G" B2 G | "Am" A D B | "G" G2 z |]

Ref:  What is ABC

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  1. Do I need copyright permission to sing and play 'In Fatima's Cove' in our Church?

    1. Probably not: most countries have a copyright exemption which lets you play and sing almost anything inside a church as part of a worship service.

      This doesn't cover printing the words, though. And this is where things get tricky. I haven't been able to find out who translated them into English or when the English version was first published. Because of that we cannot know for certain if they are now in the public domain or not. And if they are not, then legally you should get copyright permission - but again, I have not been able to find out who you could get permission from.

  2. Well, here' the translation in Bavarian:

    Dyr Fättinger Heilgrueß

    1. Eyn n Dreuzöntn Wunnmaands,
    eyn n sibzöner Jaar,
    daa kaam d Mueter Gottes
    auf Portn; s ist waar!

    Heil dir, Heil dir,
    Heil dir, o Maria,
    Heil dir, Heil dir,
    Heil dir, o Maria!

    2. De heilige Maria -
    grad straaln taat ir Gwand.
    Ja, d Mueter von n Iesenn
    und von üns allsand.

    3. De gantz Welt wurd gschütlt
    von Krieg und von Laid.
    Yn Portn gieng s schlecht aau;
    dös haat myn üns gsait.

    4. Und Hirtn warnd s wider,
    wie z Bettlham unt:
    Dreu Kinder eyn n Feld drausst
    empfiengend de Kund.

    5. Mit liebliche Worter,
    doch föst und bestimmt,
    spraach s, däß ünser Röttung
    von n Roosnkranz kimmt.

    6. Mit n Vaterland aufwärts
    gieng s wider glei drauf.
    Dyr Junggfrau ir Fürspraach
    ist s Um und ist s Auf.

    7. Mir sollnd nit vergössn,
    um was s für üns geet:
    um s Heil von de Seeln durch
    frumms Löbn und Gebet.

    8. Gögn d Hoohfart und d Unzucht
    gaprödigt s gsteif an.
    "Graattß daadl nidert einhin
    und bleibtß in dyr Ban!"

    9. "Nix gfallt halt yn n Iesenn
    wie d Rainet so guet.
    Dyrgögn füert ainn d Unzucht
    eyn d eebige Gluet."

    10.Eyn n Dreuzöntn Gilbharts
    verließ s ünser Welt.
    Doch wacht s über üns aus
    n Himmlsgezeltt.

    11.Befolhen sei d Haimet
    und s Land deiner Huet.
    Gib Frid üns und Wolfart,
    in Zagheit aynn Muet!

    12.Dir, Junggfrau, besögnter,
    giltt all ünser Lob,
    dir, dö was dyr Iesen
    eyn n Himml erhob.

    13.Dyr Erdkraiß sollt s preisn
    allzeit überall,
    in n Wöstn und Oostn,
    von n Berg und in n Tal.

    14.De gantze Welt liebt yn
    dyr Maria irn Nam.
    Und gwiß steet nit naach aau
    dyr lusische Stamm.

    15.Mir dankend, mir bittnd,
    mir singend zo dir,
    du Pfortn zo n Herrgot,
    du himmlische Zier!

    16.Und wie sollt myn s zruggzaln,
    dönn Sögn und dö Gnaad,
    als däß myn all Sündd und
    all Schlechtigkeit graatt?

    17.O Mörstern, o Roosn,
    deinn Mantl braitt aus;
    o Schirmerinn, weis üns
    eyn s himmlische Haus.

    S "Avè de Fátima" in Bairischer Buechspraach/
    O "Avè de Fátima" em Bávaro Livresco
