Holy Spirit Lord of Light

This is a hymn invoking the Holy Spirit.   It is based on the Latin hymn Veni, Sancte Spiritus which was written by one (or more) of Pope Innocent III, Robert II King of France, or Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury (1150 – 1228) - depending on who you ask.  It is used in Roman Catholic liturgy as the Sequence at Pentecost.

It was translated by English Anglican clergyman and later Roman Catholic convert and priest Edward Caswall (1814-1878).

With meter 77.77.77, tunes it is set to include:
  • ST PHILIP, by W H Monk, 1861
  • VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS BY Samuel Webbe (1740-1861)
  • BONAR by J Baptiste Calkin (1867).


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Solo singer with keyboard backing:

Soloist with guitar and light orchestral backing:

Chant with cantors and small group, light organ backing:

Professional choir, unaccompanied:

Small group with guitar-led instruments:

Singer with organ:


Holy Spirit, Lord of Light, from the clear celestial heights,
Thy pure beaming radiance give. Come, thou Father of the poor,
Come with treasures which endure, come thou Light of all that live.

Thou, of all consolers best, thou, the soul’s delightsome guest,
Dost refreshing peace bestow, thou in toil art comfort sweet,
Pleasant coolness in the heat, solace in the midst of woe.

Light immortal, light divine, visit thou these hearts of thine,
And our inmost being fill: if thou take thy grace away,
Nothing pure in man will stay, all his good is turned to ill.

Heal our wounds, our strength renew, on our dryness pour thy dew,
Wash the stains of guilt away: bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill, guide the steps that go astray.

Thou, on those who ever more thee confess and thee adore,
In thy sevenfold gifts descend, give them comfort when they die
Give them life with thee on high; give them joys that never end.

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1 comment:

  1. Gracious invocation of the Holy Spirit. Keep me focused Lord!
