The text is attributed as "composite" and
the tune to Jean Paul Lécot. It is possibly a translation of a
French-language hymn, with the translating being done by various people.
Renew your hearts,
Repent and believe in the Gospel.
Return to God, for he is rich in mercy.
I do not come to condemn the world.
I come to bring salvation to all people.
I do not come for those who are healthy or just.
I come to help the weak and those in sin.
I do not come to judge anyone.
I come to give all, eternal life.
I am the good shepherd,
I come to give my life for the sheep.
I am the gate of the sheepfold,
The one who enters by me will be saved.
They who believe have eternal life.
My words to you are spirit, they are life.
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Chorus:Renew your hearts,
Repent and believe in the Gospel.
Return to God, for he is rich in mercy.
I do not come to condemn the world.
I come to bring salvation to all people.
I do not come for those who are healthy or just.
I come to help the weak and those in sin.
I do not come to judge anyone.
I come to give all, eternal life.
I am the good shepherd,
I come to give my life for the sheep.
I am the gate of the sheepfold,
The one who enters by me will be saved.
They who believe have eternal life.
My words to you are spirit, they are life.
ABC Notation
T:Renew Your Hearts
C:Jean Paul Léccot
C:Text: Composite
G G2 F2 | E3 E A2 Bc | B2 BA (G2E2) |
w:Re-new your hearts, re-pent and be-lieve in the Gos_
F3 G G2 F2 | E3 E cc de | (B2 A2) G4 ]
w:pel. Re-turn to God, for he is rich in mer-cy_.
B8 | (c2c2c2c2 ) | B8 |
w:1~~~~I~do~not~come~to~con-demn__ the world.
w:2~~~~I~do~not~come~for~those~who~are healthy__ or just.
w:3~~~~I~do~not~come~to judge__ any-one.
w:4~~~~I~am~the good__ shep-herd,
w:5~~~~I~am~the gate of the sheep-fold,
w:6~~~~They~who~believe~have e-ter-nal_ life.
B| ee dc | BB AG | F4 |]
w:1~~~~I come to bring sal-va-tion to all people.
w:2~~~~I come to help the weak and those in sin.
w:3~~~~I come to give all peop-ele, eternal_ life.
w:4~~~~I come to give my life_ for the sheep.
w:5~~~~The one who en-ters by me will be saved.
w:6~~~~My words to you are spi-rit, they are life.
T:Renew Your Hearts
C:Jean Paul Léccot
C:Text: Composite
G G2 F2 | E3 E A2 Bc | B2 BA (G2E2) |
w:Re-new your hearts, re-pent and be-lieve in the Gos_
F3 G G2 F2 | E3 E cc de | (B2 A2) G4 ]
w:pel. Re-turn to God, for he is rich in mer-cy_.
B8 | (c2c2c2c2 ) | B8 |
w:1~~~~I~do~not~come~to~con-demn__ the world.
w:2~~~~I~do~not~come~for~those~who~are healthy__ or just.
w:3~~~~I~do~not~come~to judge__ any-one.
w:4~~~~I~am~the good__ shep-herd,
w:5~~~~I~am~the gate of the sheep-fold,
w:6~~~~They~who~believe~have e-ter-nal_ life.
B| ee dc | BB AG | F4 |]
w:1~~~~I come to bring sal-va-tion to all people.
w:2~~~~I come to help the weak and those in sin.
w:3~~~~I come to give all peop-ele, eternal_ life.
w:4~~~~I come to give my life_ for the sheep.
w:5~~~~The one who en-ters by me will be saved.
w:6~~~~My words to you are spi-rit, they are life.
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