Hibernia's Champion Saint all Hail (Great and Glorious St Patrick)

This is a hymn about St Patrick.

Thd author and composer are unknown:  Some early publications attribute it to "BS".  If you have any information about them, please leave a message in the Comments box near the bottom of the page.

The hymn was published in a number of hymnals in the 19th century, including The Catholic Harp which was printed in 1830:  This date means that the hymn must now be in the public domain.


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A version of this hymn sung by a choir (the ensemble Cor et Vox) with organ in St. John Cantius Church in Chicago, can be heard on this page (click on the title to start the sound).

Choir with organ, recorded live in a church service

Virtual choir with organ

Singer, unaccompanied

Solo singer, unaccompanied, sharing the memory of the hymn he sang as a child


Hibernia's champion saint all hail,
With fadeless glory crown'd;
The offspring of your ardent zeal,
This day your praise shall sound.

Great and glorious St. Patrick,
Pray for thy dear country.
Great and glorious St. Patrick,
Hearken to the prayers of your children.

Borne on the wings of charity,
To Erin's coast you flew,
Bade Satan from her valleys flee,
And his dark shrines o'erthrew.

Wandering thru error's gloomy night
Our sires did lose their way;
You cheered their hearts with heavenly light
With truth's counselling ray.

O what a harvest crown'd thy toil;
The earth long cursed was blest.
Each lovely virtue graced it's soil,
The sinner's heart found rest.

From faith's bright camp the demon fled,
The path to heav'n was cleared ;
Religion raised her beauteous head.
An isle of- saints appeared.

To God, who sent you to our isle,
Be endless glory giv'n ;
O may He ever on it smile.
And lead us all to heav'n.

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  1. I'm glad I found this hymn. I haven't heard it in many years. My mother had a copy of The Key of Heaven catholic prayer book, and the hymn was included.That was back in the 1940's.

  2. OK, we sang this every St. Patrick's Day at church in New Jersey. We had a diferent third line of the chorus... Our chorus was; - Great and glorious St. Patrick, pray for they dear country, the land of our fathers, great and glorious St. Patrick, hearken to the prayers of thy chldren.

    1. I have been searching for this hymn. We like, Mary above had the chorus as
      Great and glorious St. Patrick
      Pray for that dear country
      Land of our fathers
      Great and glorious St. Patrcick
      Harken to the prayers of your children
      My mom used to go around the house singing this hymn
      So glad to have found it.
      Thank you!

  3. Wow...I'm happy I found this hymn here, this was my school's anthem back in the day...SAINT PATRICK'S COLLEGE ❤️

  4. Tx for this hard to find hymn

    1. Glad I could help: one of the best parts of running this website is helping people find hymns and songs which they loved, but don't get to sing anymore.

  5. Yeah, the land of our fathers was the way way we sang it at Saint Pat's in Norristown, Pa.

  6. We used to sing this as well in church on St. Patrick’s Day in Philadelphia, but our chorus that I remember was: Great and Glorious St. Patrick, Pray for thy dear Country, The Country of Our Father’s, ..Great and Glorious St. Patrick, hearken to the prayers of thy children...☘️

  7. I went to St Lukes Catholic school thru the 4th grade and then we moved to FL. I remember being in the school choir and singing this hymn every year. It made such an impression on me I never forgot the words. I guess it must have been in 1957 thru 1959. It was such a joy to be part of that choir. I remember we wore long gold choir robes that I thought were beautiful at the time. It was a wonderful time

  8. Yes, the land of our fathers was included. I had a green-backed book of Irish hymns with Great and Glorious St. Patrick. I wish I could find the book today. It also had "God Save Ireland" another Irish hymn.
