Layout and design:
All the slide-sets were made with the PowerPoint song-library template from, and as far as possible follow the principles for good design of on-screen hymn texts.They are deliberately made without backgrounds and with a very simple format (black text on white writing) so that it is easy to add your own (legally-obtained) background images and designs, if they are appropriate.
What hymns are included:
The hymns and songs on are an eclectic collection: initially hymns that we have created PowerPoint slides for at some time in the past because they were needed for a specific service of event, and more recently hynms and songs that we have found are both looked-for and not readily available elsewhere.Only hymns/songs that are in the public domain, of for which reproduction permission has been obtained, are included. I have, of course, made PowerPoint slides for many hymns that are copyright, but this was always covered by an appropriate copyright licence. Because this site doesn't have a licence, and because is committed to respecting copyright law, I cannot provide files for lyrics, tunes, or arrangements that are still copyright.
Making your own hymn files:
If you want a file (eg PowerPoint slideset) of material that is copyright, you need to:- Create the file yourself, within the terms of your own copyright licence
(Ideally, base it on your own hymn-file template, so you can easily format it in the same way as the rest of your material), OR - Purchase it from a publisher who offers this service
(meaning that it probably won't match the format of your other material)
Copyright violations
If the site has inadvertently used materials that you hold the copyright to, then please accept our apologies.Contact us (currently by leaving a comment below) and we will put matter right by either removing your materials, or by acknowledging and or linking to you, as you wish.
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