Though we are Many - Sexton

This hymn about the Eucharist was commissioned by IEC2012 Limited, as the theme hymn / anthem for the Eucharistic Congress, held in Dublin Ireland in 2012.   

It was written in 2010 by Irish Roman Catholic composer and liturgical musician, Bernard Sexton.  Copyright was assigned to IEC2012 Ltd for the duration of the congress, and subsequently reverted Sexton.

The congress website ( provided the following files for free download, however they are no longer available, and no alternative source of MP3 / backing tracks has been found:
  • An MP3 of the full song
  • An MP3 of the backing track
  • A full musical score in PDF format, including organ accompaniment, very complex guitar chords, an instrumental piece and a congregational melody line.
Translations to Irish, French, and Italian were made available, either at the International Eucharistic Convention 2012, or afterwards, however the translator names and copyright information was not available - these have been removed from this website as the request of the composer

Subsequent publications include: 


This section may contain affiliate links: I earn from qualifying purchases on these. Free downloads are provided where possible (eg for public domain items).


Lead singer and congregation, keyboard accompaniment, recorded live in a church service:

Boys choir with piano accompaniment:

Professional choir, orchestra accompaniment:

Original release - singer with light orchestral backing:

Instrumental - piano:


The lyrics are copyright, but are given here with the permission of the author/composer.  Please make sure you are covered by an appropriate copyright license before using them elsewhere.

Though we are many, we are one body,
we who come to share this living bread;
Cup of salvation, shared among all nations,
nourishing us now and evermore.

1. We gather in this place
round the table of the Lord.
Christ’s presence is revealed
in our communion and his Living Word.

2. Now our communion recalls
Christ’s death and resurrection.
This living sacrifice
is our salvation now and evermore.

3. And through this shared Eucharist
we are the living Church.
We witness to Christ’s love
His living body active in our world.

4. This bread unites the baptised
who are called to this great feast.
The feast, a sign of God's love,
a great communion with the saints above.

5. And when we leave here today
with hearts renewed in joy,
So nourished, we will embrace
the challenge now to live the Christian call.

6. As Patrick prophet of old
trod the path we tread today,
so we proclaim the Good News
and share the living message with joy

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Translated to other languages

Irish - Verse 6 Fógraímis dea-scéal beo le lúcháir is le bród,
ar nó Pádraig, fáidh,
a shiúil go spreagúil, croíúil,
dóchasach, misniúil.

Italian Verse 4 Il pane unisce i fedeli
chiamati al banchetto.
Segno d'amor divino
comunione coi santi in cielo.

French Title:
Nous ne formons qu’un seul corps

Bien que nombreux nous ne sommes qu’un corps.
Nous venons rompre le pain vivant.
Coupe de vie partagée par les nations,
Nourrissant nos âmes et nos corps.

Couplet 1
Rassemblés aujourd’hui à la table du Seigneur
Christ se révèle à nous par sa communion et sa parole

Couplet 2
Notre communion rappelle sa mort, sa résurrection.
Sacrifice vivant qui sauve nos âmes à jamais.

Couplet 3
Et par cette Eucharistie nous devenons un seul corps
Tous témoins de son amour, portons sa Foi vivante dans nos vies.

Couplet 4
Ce pain unit les baptisés appelés au grand festin.
Un signe de l’amour divin, la grande communion avec les saints.

Couplet 5
En retournant chez nous le cœur ardent d’une joie
nouvelle, efforçons nous maintenant de vivre l’appel du Christ.

Couplet 6
Tel Patrick le prophète suivant ce même chemin
Proclamons l’Évangile, partageons sa parole d’Amour.

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