The English words were translated by various people.
The tune has meter with refrain, and is sometimes called LIVING GOD. It was written for the French text by French composer, organist and Benedictine monk, Dom Clément (Maxime) Jacob, (1906–1977).
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Solo singer with piano:
Choir with organ:
Choir with light orchestra / strings:
Instrumental - piano:
Chorus:I received the living God, and my heart is full of joy.
I received the living God, and my heart is full of joy.
Jesus said: I am the Bread
Kneaded long to give you life;
You who will partake of me
Need not ever fear to die.
Jesus said: I am the Vine,
And my branches you shall be;
Come and drink the saving cup,
'Til the kingdom you shall see.
Jesus said: I am the Way,
And my Father longs for you;
So I come to bring you home
To be one with us anew.
Jesus said: I am the Truth;
If you follow close to me,
You will know me in your heart,
And my word shall make you free.
Jesus said: I am the Life
Far from whom nothing can grow,
But receive this living bread,
And my Spirit you shall know.
Yes, the video sucks, as does the child screaming in the background. Try this one instead:
Thank you. That one is so much better.