All Ye (You) Who Seek a Comfort Sure

This is a hymn about the Sacred Heart of Jesus.   It is based on an 18th century Latin hymn, Quincumque certum quaeritis.

It was translated by English Anglican priest, scholar and hymnwriter, and later Roman Catholic convert-priest Edward Caswall (1814-1878).  

There are number of variations of the words in use, based on archaic vs modern forms ("all ye" vs "all you").

With meter (D), tunes that it has been set to include:
  • ST BERNARD CM -  composer unknown, from Tochter Sion (Köln, Germany: 1741)
  • KINGSFOLD - either verses are sometimes combined into sets of two, or the 2nd verse used as a chorus.


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Solo singer, unaccompanied - ST BERNARD

Solo singer, guitar accompaniment with flute solo- ST BERNARD

Solo singer with organ - KINGSFOLD

Instrumental - organ - KINGSFOLD

Instrumental, electronic keyboard light orchestral - tune ST BERNARD:


All you who seek a comfort sure
In trouble and distress,
Whatever sorrow burdens you,
Whatever griefs oppress.

Jesus, who gave Himself for you
Upon the Cross to die,
Opens to you His Sacred Heart;
Oh, to that Heart draw nigh.

You hear how kindly He invites;
You hear His words so blest:
"All you who labour, come to Me,
And I will give you rest."

O Heart adored by saints on high,
And hope of sinners here,
We place our humble trust in You
And lift to You our prayer.

Jesus, who gave Himself for you
Upon the Cross to die,
Let there His Heart for love be pierced:
Oh, to that Heart draw nigh!

ABC Notation

T:All Ye who Seek a Comfort Sure
C: ST. BERNARD (Tochter Sion - 1741)
C:Edward Caswall 1814-78)
A | DEF F/2E/2 | G F E A | F B ^G3/2 G/2 | A3 A
dBAB | GGFD | GFEE | D3 |]

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