Songs of God's Love - A Hymnal for Primary Children

This is a "book of hymns and songs to help children pray, praise and give thanks".  The hymn selections were targeted for children aged 6-8 - but many are useful with other age-groups as well.

It was first published in 1984 by Concordia Publishing House of St Louis, Missouri, USA, with substantial input from the Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church.   The hymnal committee was made up of:
  • Donald Hoeferkamp - staff of the Board for Parish Services
  • Arnold Schmidt - staff of the Board for Parish Services
  • Alfred Fremder  - standing committee member, Board for Parish Services
  • Edward Klammer - Concordia Publishing House.

Each song is presented with the words printed separately from the music (for less confident readers), and also in line with the musical score.   The musical layout for each song includes a melody line with guitar or auto-harp chords written above it, and a second line with simple chords for piano.   Many of the tunes are from older German hymns/books, in keeping with the book's denominational background.

The book includes 114 hymns and short choruses, all in the English language.     These are divided into sections based on the season, use or theme:
  • Seasons:   Advent, Christmas, Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter, Pentecost, Ascension, Trinity
  • Events:  Welcome, Baptism, Birthday, Opening, Closing, 
  • Time of day:  Morning, Mealtime, Evening
  • Relationships:   Our Parents / School, Our Nation, Our Saviour
  • Other:  Creation, Christian life, Forgiveness, God's love and care, God's Word, Missions, Offering, Praise and Thanksgiving, Prayer

There is a topical index, which suggests more than one category for each song, and separate indexes by tune and title / first line

The book is A4 size, in landscape format and spiral bound for easy use with a piano or music-stand.

ISBN 0-570-01018-7

The book is now out-of-print, but copies may be available from Amazon and/or Amazon - UK and Ireland.

About the contents listing

Composer, author and copyright ownership are shown as they are recorded in the book, in accordance with this site's copyright policies.    This means that the copyright information is not necessarily correct today.

Detail  pages for some songs are linked from the titles, and more detail-pages will be added as time and copyright permissions allow..  They may include:
  • background information about the hymn, 
  • the full lyrics, 
  • downloadable PowerPoint slides of the words, 
  • sheet music (lead-sheet and/or guitar chords only), 
  • (links to) samples of the song.  

If you own the copyright to any of these carols, and would like to grant permission for items to be made available here, or to provide a link to sources where they are still available for sale, please contact us.

Table of Contents

Title (first-line) Number
A Glad and Happy Birthday 90
A happy and glad birthday, we wish to your our friend.
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Melchoir Vulpius (1560-1615)
Key: D
Time signature: 2/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Birthday
Abide with Us Our Saviour 60
Abide with us O our saviour, nor let your mercy cease
Lyrics: Composite translation of a work by Josua Stegmann (1588-1632)
Tune: Melchoir Vulpius (1560-1615)
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: God's love and care, Closing
All Glory be to God Above 32
All glory be to God above
Lyrics: Gracia Grindal(1943) © Copyright 1978, Lutheran Book of Worship
Tune: Nikolas Herman (1480-1561)
Key: C
Time signature: Irregular
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Trinity, Praise and Thanksgiving
Translated from a work by St Ambrose (340-397)
All Praise to Thee my God this Night 72
Lyrics: Thomas Ken (1637-1711)
Tune: Thomas Tallis (1505-85)
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Evening, Prayer
All Things Bright and Beautiful 44
All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small / Each little flower that opens
Lyrics: Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-95) © Copyright 1915, J Curwen and Sons Ltd.
Tune: Traditional English melody © J Curwen and Sons Ltd., 1915
Setting: Adapted by Martin Shaw (1875-1958). Setting prepared by Barry Bobb, copyright Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Tune-name: ROYAL OAK
Key: G
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Creation
Alleluia 38
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Lyrics: Traditional
Tune: Traditional
Key: G
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Praise and Thanksgiving, Birthday, Opening
Alleluia (Easter) 28
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Lyrics: Traditional
Tune: Giovanni P de Palestrina (1525-94) adapt.
Tune-name: VICTORY
Key: C
Time signature: 6/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Easter, Praise and Thanksgiving
Alleluia, Lord to Whom Shall we Go 34
Lyrics: From the Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978
Tune: Richard W Hilert (1923-)
Key: G
Time signature: Irregular
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: God's Word, Our Saviour
Angels we have Heard on High 16
Angels we have heard on high / Gloria in excelsis Deo
Lyrics: Translated by H F Hemy, Crown of Jesus Music Part II, 1862
Tune: French carol - composer not stated
Tune-name: GLORIA
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
As with Gladness Men of Old 13
Lyrics: William C Dix (1837-96) alt
Tune: Conrad Kocher (1786-1872)
Tune-name: DIX
Key: G
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Christmas, Missions
Away in a Manger 10
Away in a maner no crib for a bed
Lyrics: Sts 1-2: anonymous, c 1883; St 3: John T McFarland (1851-1913), alt
Tune: William J Kirkpatrick ( 1838-1921)
Tune-name: CRADLE SONG
Key: C
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
Be Present at our Table Lord 77
Be presente at our table Lord, here and everywhere adored
Lyrics: Anonyous, tr by Jaroslav J. Vajda (1919-) © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Tune: Cantionale Germanicum, Gochsheim, 1628
Key: D
Time signature: 3/2
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Mealtime, Prayer
Beautiful Saviour 52
Beautiful saviour, king of creation
Lyrics: Joseph A Seiss (1823-1904)
Tune: Silesian folk tune, 1842
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Our Saviour
Bless the Lord O my Soul 37
Lyrics: Not stated
Tune: Anonymous
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Praise and Thanksgiving
Butterfly Song, The 58
If I were a butterfly / For you gave me a heart
Lyrics & tune: Brian Howard © Celebration Services (International) Ltd, 1974, 1975
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: God's love and care, Creation
Child of God 61
If anybody asks you who I am
Lyrics & tune: Verse 1: anonymous. Verse 2-5: Jaroslav J Jajda (1919-) © Verses 2-5, Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Key: F
Time signature: 2/4
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: God's love and care, Christian life
Children of the Heavenly Father 62
Lyrics: Ernst William Olson (1870-1958) - translated from a work by Caroline V Sandell Berg (1832-1908) © Board of Publication, Lutheran Church in America
Tune: Traditional Swedish melody
Tune-name: SANDELL
Key: D
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: God's love and care
Christ the Lord is Risen Today 28
Christ the Lord is risen today, all on earth with angels say.
Lyrics: Charles Wesley (1707-88)
Tune: French, 13th century
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Easter
Come and Go With Me 78
Come and go with me to my Father's house
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Traditional
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Missions
Come Holy Spirit Come 30
Come Holy Spirit come, O hear my humble prayer
Lyrics: Dorothy A Thrupp (1779-1847), alt
Tune: Johann B König (1691-1758), adapt
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Pentecost
Translated from a text by Joseph Mohn (1792-1848)
Dear Father in Heaven 73
Dear Father in heaven look down from above
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Anonymous
Key: Eb
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Evening, Prayer
Dear Saviour Bless the Children 79
Dear savour bless the children who've gathered here today
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Lowell Mason (1792-1872)
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Missions
Do you Know who Died for Me 20
Lyrics & tune: O. William Luecke (1953) © O. William Luecke (1953)
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Lent, Our Saviour
Every Year the Christ Child 11
Every year the Christ child comes to us on earth.
Lyrics: Text: Johann Wilhelm Hey (1798-1854); Translators: St 1 Enrich B Allward (1905-), Sts2-3 W Gustav Polack (1890-1950) © From "Lutheran Worship", 1972, Concordia Publishing House
Tune: Friedrich Silcher (1789-1860)
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
Father Bless our School Today 83
Father bless our school today, be in all we do or say
Lyrics: Verses 1-3: Anonymous. Verse 4: translated by Samuel F Janzow (b 1913) from a work by Martin Luther (1483-1546) © Verse 4 from "The Hymns of Martin Luther, volume I", 1978, Concordia Publishing
Tune: Nikolas Herman (1480-1561)
Tune-name: GOTT SEI DANK
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Our Parents / School, Opening
Father Bless the Gifts we Bring You 87
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Not stated - from Musikaischer Christenschatz (1745)
Tune-name: RINGE RECHT
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Offering, Missions
For Food and Drink and Happy Days 76
For food and drink and happy days, accept our loving thanks and praise
Lyrics: Anonyous, tr by Jaroslav J. Vajda (1919-) © 1984 Concordia Publishing House
Tune: Louis Bourgeois (1510-1561)
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Mealtime, Prayer
For Health and Strength and Daily Food 76
For health and strength and daily food, we praise your name O Lord
Lyrics: Traditional
Tune: Traditional English melody © G Shirmer Inc, US agent for J Curwen and Sons Ltd
Setting: Barry Bobb © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Mealtime, Prayer
Forgive me God for Things I Do 55
Forgive me God for things I do that are not kind or good
Lyrics: Elizabeth McE Shields © Verse 1 1949, Rand McNally and Co. Verse 2 Augsberg Publishing House
Tune: John Day - Psalter 1562
Tune-name: ST FLAVIAN
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Forgiveness
From Heaven Above to Earth I Come 10
From heaven above to earth I come
Lyrics: Martin Luther (1483-1546), tr Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978 © 1984 Concordia Publishing House
Tune: Not stated © In Geistliche Lieder by Valentin Schumann 1539
Setting: Barry Bobb © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Christmas
Give me Oil in my Lamp 63
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning / Sing hosanna
Lyrics: Verse 1: A Sevison. Verse 2: Marcil Stallmann
Tune: Anonymous
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Christian life, Advent, Missions
Gloria Gloria 31
Gloria, gloria / The whole church is joyfully singing
Lyrics: Norman and Margaret Mealy © Seabury Press Inc, 1961
Tune: Traditional Russian melody
Key: F
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Pentecost
Glory be to Jesus 19
Glory be to Jesus who in bitter pains
Lyrics: Edward Caswall (1814-78)
Tune: Friedrich Filitz (1804-76)
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Lent
Translated from an 18th century Italian work.
Go Tell it on the Mountain 12
Go tell it on the mountain / While shepherd kept their watching
Lyrics: Refrain: Negro spiritual Verses John W Work II (1871-1925), alt © Mrs John W Work III
Tune: Not stated
Tune-name: GO TELL IT
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
God Bless our Native Land 82
God bless our native land, firm may it ever stand
Lyrics: Verse 1: Charles T Brooks (1812-83). Verse 2: John S Dwight (1813-93) alt.
Tune: from Thesarus Musicus, London, 1744
Key: F
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Our Nation
God Hears Me 68
God heard me when I talk to him
Lyrics: Johanna Puls © Scripture Press Foundation, 1956
Tune: William Croft (1678-1727)
Tune-name: ST ANNE
Key: Bb
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Prayer
God is so Good 62
Lyrics & tune: Anonymous
Key: Eb
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: God's love and care
God Loved the World so that He Gave 53
God love the world so that he gave his only Son to save
Lyrics: Verses 1 and 3: August Crull (1845-1923), adapt; Verse 2 Mary L Brummer © Verse 2 - From "My God, My Faith, My Life" 1972, VBS. Concordia Publishing House
Tune: Melchoir Vulpius (1560-1615)
Key: C
Time signature: 3/2
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Our Saviour, Lent
Translated from a work by L Bollhagen, Heiliges Lippen-und Herzens-Opfer
God Loves me Dearly 54
God loves me dearly, gives me salvation
Lyrics: Composite translaton - from a work by August Rische, 19th century
Tune: German folk tune - composer not stated
Key: D
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Our Saviour, Christmas
God our Father Hear Your Children 67
God our Father hear your children as we come to you in prayer
Lyrics: Sophie Damme
Tune: John Wyeth, Repository of Sacred Music, 1813
Tune-name: NETTLETON
Key: D
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Prayer, God's love and care
God the Father Bless Us 33
God the Father bless us, God the Son defend us
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: From Caspar Ett, Cantica Sacra, 1840
Tune-name: ST MARTIN
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Trinity, Prayer
God Who Made the Earth 60
God who made the earth, the air, the sky the sea
Lyrics: Sarah Betts Rhodes (c 1830-c 1890)
Tune: Edward W Klammer (1919-) © Concordia Publishing House, 1953
Setting: Melvin Rotermund © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Tune-name: CARKA
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: God's love and care, Creation
God's own Son is Born a Child 17
Lyrics: German carol, 14th century. Translation composite. © Concordia Publishing House, 1969
Tune: German carol - 14th century
Key: D
Time signature: 6/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Christmas
Goodbye Goodbye 86
Goodbye, goodbye, to you and you and you.
Lyrics & tune: Lena L Lawrence © Gospel Light Publications, 1962
Key: F
Time signature: 6/8
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Closing
Hallelujah Jesus Lives 46
Halleluia, Jesus lives! / Jesus gave his life for me
Lyrics: Dorothy Nichl Schultz (1934-) © Dorothy Schultz and Ralph Schultz
Tune: Ralph C Schultz (1932-) © Dorothy Schultz and Ralph Schultz
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Our Saviour, Christian life, Easter
He Cares for Me 57
How strong and sure my Father's care
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Giovanni P de Palestrina (1525-94) adapt.
Tune-name: VICTORY
Key: C
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: God's love and care
He is Lord 47
He is lord, he is lord, he is risen from the dead
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Anonymous
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Our Saviour, Easter
He's got the Whole World in His Hands 56
Lyrics: American spiritual
Tune: American spiritual
Tune-name: IN HIS HANDS
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: God's love and care
Holy Bible God's Own Word 34
Holy bible, God's own word, in it God's own voice is heard
Lyrics: Allan Hart Jahsmann (1916-) © Concordia Publishing House, 1960
Tune: Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625)
Tune-name: SONG 13
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: God's Word
Holy Spirit Hear Us 30
Holy spirit hear us on this sacred day
Lyrics: Claudia F Heraman (1838-98), alt. Jaroslav J. Vajda (1919-) © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Tune: Fredrich Filitz (1804-76)
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Pentecost
Translated from a text by Joseph Mohn (1792-1848)
Hosanna now Through Advent 8
Lyrics: Claudia F Hernaman (1838-98), alt
Tune: From Giestliche Kirchengesáng, Koln 1623
Key: Em
Time signature: 6/8
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Advent
I am Jesus' Letter 80
I am Jesus' letter, sent to all my friends
Lyrics: Henry L Letterman (1932-) © From Joyfully Sing, Concordia Publishing House, 1961
Tune: Friedrich Filitz (1804-76)
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Missions, Christian life
I am Jesus' Little Lamb 48
I am Jesus little lamb, ever glad at heart I am
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Arlon W Rueter (1917-)
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Our Saviour, God's love and care, Missions
I am Trusting You Lord Jesus 56
I am trusting you Lord Jesus, trusting you only
Lyrics: Frances R Havergal (1836-79), alt
Tune: Henry W Baker (1821-77)
Tune-name: STEPHANOS
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: God's love and care
I Forgive 55
When I hurt my friends I feel sorry
Lyrics: Elizabeth Sparrow © From "The Little Christian's Songbook", Concordia Publishing House, 1975
Tune: Elizabeth Sparrow
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Forgiveness
I Know that my Redeemer Lives 27
Lyrics: Samuel Medley (1739-99), alt
Tune: John Hattion (d 1793), attr.
Tune-name: DUKE STREET
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Easter, Death
I Thank You Father for the Night 70
Lyrics: Verses 1-2: Rebecca J Weston c1890; Verse 3: composite.
Tune: Thomas Tallis (1505-85)
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Morning, Prayer
I Want to Live for Jesus 65
Lyrics: Arnold C Mueller (1891-1980), alt © From "A Child's Garden of Song" 1949, Concordia Publishing House
Tune: Theodore G Stelzer (1892-1956)
Key: Eb
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christian life
I was Baptized Happy Day 35
I was baptised, happy day, all my sins were washed away
Lyrics: Arnold C Mueller (1891-1980), alt © From "A Child's Garden of Song" 1949, Concordia Publishing House
Tune: French, 13th century
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Baptism
I'm so Glad when Christmas Come 14
I'm so glad when Christmas comes, the night of Jesus birth.
Lyrics: Norman A Madson (1886-1962) - translated from a work by Marie Wexelsen (1832-1911) © Concordia Publishing House, 1982
Tune: Peter Knudsen (1819-63)
Tune-name: JEG ER SAA GLAD
Key: G
Time signature: 6/8
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Christmas
Translated from an anonymous 1632 source
It is the Holy Spirit's Day 31
It is the Holy Spirit's day / Sing joyful alleluia
Lyrics: Alda M Milner-Barry © St Cristopher's College Trust
Tune: Tradtional Cornish melody
Key: F
Time signature: 6/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Pentecost
Jesus Christ is Risen Today 25
Jesus Christ is risen today, alleluia
Lyrics: Verses 1-3: Translated from a 14th century Latin carol, translator unknown. Verse 4 Charles Wesley (1707-88).
Tune: Unknown - from the Lyra Davidica, London 1708
Tune-name: EASTER HYMN
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Easter
Jesus Friend of Little Children 47
Jesus, friend of little children
Lyrics: Walter J Mathams (1851-1931)
Tune: Martin Shaw (1875-1958) © From "Songs of Praise for Boys and Girls", Oxford University Press
Setting: From "Joyfully Sing", Concordia Publishing House, 1961
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Our Saviour, God's love and care
Jesus from Your Throne on High 67
Jesus from your throne on high, far above the bright blue sky
Lyrics: Thomas Pollock (1836-96) alt
Tune: J A Freylinghausen, Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1704
Tune-name: GOTT SEI DANK
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Prayer, God's love and care
Jesus in the Morning 66
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus in the morning
Lyrics & tune: Traditional
Key: G
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Christian life, Evening, Morning
Jesus Loves Me 49
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me, his is always, always near
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Charlotte A Barnard (1830-69)
Key: G
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Our Saviour, God's love and care
Jesus Loves me This I Know 51
Jesus loves me this I know / Yes, Jesus love me.
Lyrics: Anna B Warner (1820-1915)
Tune: William B Bradbury (1816-68)
Key: C
Time signature: 2/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Our Saviour, God's love and care
Jesus Loves the Little Children 48
Jesus loves the little children, all the little children of the world
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Arlon W Rueter (1917-) © From "Living God's Way", 1969 VBS. Concordia Publishing House
Setting: Barry Bobb © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Our Saviour
Jesus Tender Shepherd Hear Me 73
Jesus, tender shepherd hear me; bless your child with rest tonight
Lyrics: Mary L Duncan (1812-40), alt
Tune: Musikalischer Christenschatz, 1745
Tune-name: RINGE RECHT
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Evening, Prayer
Joy to the Word 18
Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Lyrics: Issac Watts (1674-1748) alt.
Tune: George F Handel (1685-1759) - adapt.
Tune-name: ANTIOCH
Key: C
Time signature: 2/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
King of Glory Comes, The 22
The King of glory comes / Who is the king of glory, how shall we call him?
Lyrics: Willard F Jabusch (b 1930) © Willard F Jabusch, St Mary of the Lake Seminary, Illonois
Tune: Israeli folksong
Key: Em
Time signature: 2/4
Number of verses: 5
Recommended uses: Palm Sunday, Advent
Lamb of God 52
Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, grant us peace
Lyrics: From the German, 1528; International Consultation on English Texts, translator and adaptor © Internationl Consultation on English Texts
Tune: Richard W Hilert (1923-) © From Lutheran Book of Worship, Concordia Publishing House, 1978
Setting: Melvin Rotermund © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Key: F
Time signature: Irregular
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Our Saviour, Lent
Let me Learn of Jesus 21
Let me learn of Jesus, he is kind to me;
Lyrics & tune: Fanny J Crosby (1820-1915)
Tune-name: SANDOWN
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Lent
Let us all with Gladsome Voice 14
Lyrics: Catherine Winkworth (1829-78)
Tune: Gesangbuch, Ander Teil (1632)
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Christmas
Translated from an anonymous 1632 source
Lift High the Cross 80
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim
Lyrics: George W Kitchin (1827-1912), Michael R Newbolt (1874-1956), alt © Hymn Ancient and Modern Ltd
Tune: Sydney H Nicholson (1875-1947) © Hymn Ancient and Modern Ltd
Setting: Barry Bobb © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Tune-name: CRUCIFER
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Missions
Lord Jesus Since You Love Me 74
Lord Jesus since you loved me, now spread your wings above me
Lyrics: Paul Gerhardt (1607-76), Tr The Lutheran Hynnal, 1941, alt
Tune: Heinrich Issac (c1450-1571)
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Evening, Prayer
Love One Another 64
This is my commandment that you love one another
Lyrics: Not stated
Tune: Anonymous
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Based on: John 15:11-12
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Christian life
Love, Love Love, Love 64
Love, love, love love, Christians this is your call
Lyrics & tune: Anonymous
Key: Gn
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Christian life
Make Songs of Joy 26
Make songs of joy to Christ our head
Lyrics: Jaroslav J. Vajda (1919-) © From Lutheran Book of Worship, Concordia Publishing House, 1978
Tune: Unknown - from Velká Partitúra, 1936, ed. Juraj Chorvát © Not stated
Setting: Melvin Rotermund © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Key: C
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Easter, Praise and Thanksgiving
Translated from a work by Jiří Tranovský (1591-1637)
My Father and my Mother Dear 83
My father and my other dear are gifts from God above
Lyrics: William A Kramer (b 1990) © Concordia Publishing House, 1949
Tune: J A Freylinghausen, Geistreiches Gesang-Buch, 1704
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Our Parents / School, Christian life
My Soul Magnifies the Lord 7
Lyrics: Not stated
Tune: Traditional
Key: F
Time signature: Not given
Based on: Luke 1:46-47
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Advent, Our Saviour
Now our School is Over 85
Now our school is over for another day
Lyrics: O Walle
Tune: Anonymous
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Closing, Prayer, School
Now Thank we all Our God 40
Now thank we all our God, with heart and hands and voices
Lyrics: Catherine Winkworth (1829-78)
Tune: Johann Crüger (1598-1662)
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Praise and Thanksgiving
Translated from a work by Martin Rinckart (1586-1649)
Now the Light has Gone Away 75
Now the light has gone away, Father listen while I pray
Lyrics: Frances R Havergal (1836-79), alt
Tune: Leiderbuch fur Kelinkinder-Schulen, Kaiserwerth, 1842
Tune-name: MUDE BIN ICH
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Evening, Prayer
O Come all you Children 9
O come all you children, come one and all
Lyrics: Anonymous - translated from a work by Christian v. Schmid
Tune: Johann Abraham Peter Schulz (174701800)
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Christmas
O Come O Come Emmanuel 7
O come o come Emmanuel / Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel
Lyrics: John M Neale (1818-66), alt
Tune: French processional, 15th century
Key: Dm
Time signature: Not given
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Advent
O who can Make a Flower 45
Oh who can make a flower, I'm sure I can't.
Lyrics: Clara Lee Parker
Tune: Clara Lee Parker
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Creation
Once in Royal David's City 15
Lyrics: Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-95) alt
Tune: Henry J Gauntlett (1805-76)
Tune-name: IRBY
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
Our Saviour Kindly Calls 35
Our Saviour kindly calls His children to His breast
Lyrics: Henry L Letterman (1932-) © From "Joyfully Sing", Concordia Publishing House, 1961
Tune: Johann B König (1691-1758), adapt
Tune-name: FRANONIA
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Baptism, Our Saviour
Praise and Thanksgiving 39
Praise and thanksgiving let everyone bring
Lyrics: Edith Lovell Thomas © From "The Whole World Singing", Friendship Press
Tune: Traditional Alsatain
Key: F
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Praise and Thanksgiving
Adapted from a traditional German text
Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow 38
Lyrics: Thomas Ken (1637-1711)
Tune: Louis Bourgeois (1510-1561)
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Praise and Thanksgiving, Offering, Trinity
Adapted from a traditional German text
Praise Him, Praise Him 42
Praise him, praise Him akll you little children
Lyrics & tune: Anonymous
Key: D
Time signature: 2/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Praise and Thanksgiving
Psalm 8 36
The Lord is great, everybody sing, la, la, alleluia
Lyrics & tune: John Erickson
Key: G
Time signature: 4/4
Based on: Psalm 103:1
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Praise and Thanksgiving
Rejoice in the Lord Always 43
Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Anonymous
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Based on: Philippians 4:4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Praise and Thanksgiving
Silent Night 16
Silent night, holy night
Lyrics: John F Young (1820-85) - translated from a work by Joseph Mohr (1792-1848)
Tune: Franz Gruber (1787-1863)
Key: Bb
Time signature: 6/8
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Christmas
Since my Heavenly Father 87
Since my heavenly father gives me everything
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Friedrich Filitz (1804-76)
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Offering
Sunday School is Over 84
Sunday school is over for another day
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Anonymous
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Closing
Take my Life O Lord Renew 86
Take my life, O Lord renew, consecrate my heart to you
Lyrics: Frances R Havergal (1836-79), alt
Tune: William H Havergal (1793-1870)
Tune-name: PATMOS
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Offering, Christian life
Thank the Lord and Sing His Praise 41
Thank the Lord and sing His praise, tell everyone what he had done.
Lyrics: Not stated © From Lutheran Book of Worship, Concordia Publishing House, 1978
Tune: Ronald A Nelson (1927-) © From Lutheran Book of Worship, Concordia Publishing House, 1978
Setting: Melvin Rotermund © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Key: F
Time signature: 6/8
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Praise and Thanksgiving
Thank You for Giving me the Morning 71
Thank you for giving me the morning, thank you for every day that's new
Lyrics: Walter van der Haas and Peter-Paul Lelyveld - translated from a work by Martin G Schneider © Gustav Bosse Verlag, Regensburg, Germany. Assigned to Bosworth and Co for Britich Commonwealth and USA, 1964, 1969
Tune: Martin G Schneider © Gustav Bosse Verlag, Regensburg, Germany. Assigned to Bosworth and Co for Britich Commonwealth and USA, 1964, 1969
Setting: Barry Bobb © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Key: G
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Morning, God's love and care, Our Saviour
There is a Green Hill Far Away 20
There is a green hill far away, outside a city wall,
Lyrics: Verses 1-2: Cecil Frances Alexander (1818-95). Verse 3: Daniel Burow. © Verse 3 - from The Little Christian's Songbook, Concordia Publishing House, 1975
Tune: William Horsley (1774-1858)
Tune-name: HORSLEY
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Our Saviour
There is a Name I Love to Hear 50
There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth.
Lyrics: Frederick Whitfield (1829-1904)
Tune: Johann B König (1691-1758), adapt
Key: G
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Our Saviour
This is the Feast of Victory 26
This is the feast of victory for our God
Lyrics: John W Arthur (1922-80) © From Lutheran Book of Worship, Concordia Publishing House, 1978
Tune: Richard W Hilert (1923-) © From Lutheran Book of Worship, Concordia Publishing House, 1978
Setting: Melvin Rotermund © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Key: C
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Easter, Praise and Thanksgiving
This Little Gospel Light of Mine 81
This little Gospel light of mine, I'm going to let it shine
Lyrics & tune: Traditional
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Missions, Christian life
To Jesus Christ the Children Sang 23
To Jesus Christ the children sang, Hosanna Lord Hosanna
Lyrics: Alda M Milner-Barry © St Cristopher's College Trust
Tune: Cornish melody
Key: F
Time signature: 6/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Palm Sunday
To Show our Thanks for all You Do 88
To show our thanks for all you do, we brint these offerings
Lyrics: Arnold C Mueller (1891-1980), alt © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Tune: Not stated - as hymnodus sacer, Leipzif, 1625
Key: G
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Offering
Up in the Sky 29
Up in the sky, ascended high
Lyrics: Henry L Letterman (1932-) © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Tune: Christoph Peter (1655)
Key: G
Time signature: Irregular
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Ascension
We are in God's House Today 84
We are in God's house today: he is glad to hear us pray
Lyrics: Theodore G Stelzer (1892-1956) © Concordia Publishing House, 1984
Tune: Not stated - 13th century French
Key: D
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 2
Recommended uses: Opening
We are Little Christian Children 33
We are little Christian children, God the Father every day
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: John Stainer (1840-1901)
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Trinity, God's love and care
We Pray for Each Other 69
We pray for each other, for sister and brother
Lyrics & tune: O Wm Luecke © O. William Luecke (1953), 1953
Key: Bb
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Prayer
Wel Welcome Glad Easter 24
We welcome glad Easter when Jesus arose / Then raise your glad voices
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Welsh folk tune
Tune-name: ST DENIO
Key: G
Time signature: 3/4
Number of verses: 4
Recommended uses: Easter
Welcome all who Come 89
Welcome, welcome all who come, to our blessed Sunday school
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: William B Bradbury (1816-68)
Key: C
Time signature: 2/4
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Welcome
We'll Give all the Glory to Jesus 50
We'll give all the glory to Jesus and tell of his love.
Lyrics: Anonymous
Tune: Anonymous
Key: Bb
Time signature: 6/8
Number of verses: 1
Recommended uses: Our Saviour, Praise and Thanksgiving
Who Made the Sky so Bright and Blue 45
Lyrics: Jane Taylor
Tune: Carol G Claeser (1784-1829)
Key: F
Time signature: 4/4
Number of verses: 3
Recommended uses: Creation

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