What's happening this month
St Brigid of Kildare made her annual appearance - though we're still a bit short on spring-time weather in Ireland.And with Easter being so early this year people have been searching for lots of Lenten hymns too.
New e-book
The really exciting news is that our first e-book, Selected Hymns from the Nigerian Catholic Hymn book - is now available on Amazon.This includes author and copyright information that wasn't available in the original book as well as the words of over 75% of the hymns in it.
More information about it here.
Hymn and song research requests, Dec 2015 / Jan 2016
A Íosa Coimeád na Caoire
This Irish-language hymn, based on Pslam 23 (The Lord's my Shepherd) is described here.Because He Lives
This early contemporary Christian music song has was written in 1971 - read more about it here.Bless this House
Inforamtion about this song by English writer Helen Taylor is available here.Go Tell Everyone
There is an information sheet about this song hereHaul, Haul Away
An information page for this song about the miracle of catching fish is found here.May the God of Israel Join in One
It's most likely that this request, which only included a short fragment of the wds, is for Lucien Deiss' setting of Psalm 128. (If you were looking for something else, please try again.)My Soul is Filled with Joy
This request is most likely for this setting of the Magnificat, to the folk tune used for Wild Mountain Thyme.My Soul is Joyful - Andersen
This hymn is by Australian priest Frank Andersen. It is one of the most-frequently-requested song on this site - and finally an informaton sheet about it has been published here.Nothing is Impossible
An information page for this revival song is found here.O Bread of Heaven
Information about this hymn by Edmund Vaughan is available here.O Lord Thou Art my God
This was January's most challenging request. It's a song that a reader remembers from an independent church in the USA, To start with it looked promising, including a large section of the lyrics, and the information that the song was most likely written in the 1970s by Ted Sandquist or Phil Keaggy.However like many hymns and songs from that time, it is an almost direct setting of a translation a selection from scripture, in this case, the start of Isaiah 25.
Finally, after entering all the promising-looking phrases into the Hymn Search Tool and getting nowhere, I've had to change the status to "Cannot Identify" - for now at least.
If you can suggest any hymns or song from the 1970s which include this text, please do leave a comment below:
Oh Lord thou art my God I will exhault thee I will sing paise unto thy name.
For Thou has worked wonders plans formed long ago with perfect faithfulness.
And this mountain he will swallow death for all time for this is the God for whom we have waited....He will wipe tears from all faces so rejoice and be glad in His salvation repeat chorus Oh Lord Thou art my God I will exalt Thee...
Reach Out And Touch The Lord
An information page for this song is found here.She Walked in the Summer
This folk-style hymn for the Visitation was written by Miriam Therese Winter and first published in 1968.Song of Thanksgiving
This hymn about "the love and commitment that the Lord has for us" was written by American Joe Zsigray for a friend's final profession as a Sister of St Joseph (ref. It's been added to the list for future research.
Spirit of the Living Christ
Read about this song by English song-writer Estelle White here.Take me Deeper in Love
This contemporary song is by American writer Don Moen. It doesn't appear to have been published in any hymn books.The Bells of the Angelus
This hymn is available here.The Servant King
This song is by Graham Kendrick. The person who requested it is looking for "very easy chords" - which may be too much to hope for, given the nature of the tune, which also swaps between major and minor in the chorus / verses. However there are a set of chords provided by the composer which including notation for Capo-3, which you may be able to simplify for yourself.There is a River
Information about this song by Max and David Sapp is available on their website.We're Gathered Here
There are a few possible hymns which this request may be for.One is 'We're gathered here because we all love Jesus ' by Gary Johnston. Another is 'We're gathered here, O Lord, as Thy one Body (author unknown, set to a Swedish folk-tune), or 'We are Gathered here Together' by Miriam Therese Winter.
< If you can provide more details which would help to narrow this down, then please make another request.
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