To Jesus Heart all Burning

This is a hymn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

It was originally written in German by Aloys Schlör - the original title was "Dem Herzen Jesu Singe".

It was translated by English Roman Catholic academic, playwright and Jesuit priest Albany James Christie (1817–1891) - ref.

Publications include St. Patrick's Hymn Book, Glasgow, 1862, and Christie's "The First Christmas: A Mystery Play" 1876.

The text has meter 76 76  with refrain.   The St Gregory Hymnal in 1920 published it to an unnamed tune by Nicola Montani, while most other publications since the Catholic Youth's Hymnal in 1871 have used (a variation of) a tune which was initially just listed as "traditional tune" but is today referred to as COR JESU by William Joseph Moher (1823-1877).


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Choir with organ:

Solo singer with guitar:

Congregation with piano, guitar and violin:


To Jesus’ Heart, all burning
With fervent love for all,
My heart with fondest yearning
Shall raise its joyful call.

While ages course along,
Blest be with loudest song,
The sacred heart of Jesus
By ev’ry heart and tongue.
The sacred heart of Jesus
By ev’ry heart and tongue.

O heart, for me on fire
With love no-one can speak
My yet untold desire
God gives me for thy sake.

Too true, I have forsaken
Thy love for wilful sin;
Yet now let me be taken
Back by thy grace again.

As thou are meek and lowly,
And ever pure of heart,
So may my heart be wholly
Of thine the counterpart.

O that to me were given
The pinions of a dove.
I'd speed aloft to heaven
My Jesus love to prove.

When life away is flying,
and earth’s false glare is done;
still, Sacred heart, in dying
I’ll say I’m all thine own.

ABC Notation

What is ABC notation

T:To Jesus Heart all Burning
C:Words A J Christie Music William Joseph Maher (1823-1877)
FG | "D" A2>A2 ^G2 B2 | (A2>d2 ) F2 F2 |  "A" E2 F2 "Em" G2 BA | "D" F6 FG |
w:To_ Je-sus’ Heart, all bu-rn-ing with fer-vent love for_ all. My_
yyyy "D" A2>A2 ^G2 B2 |  (A2>d2  ) F2 F2 | "A" E2 Ac "E7" d3 B | "A" A6   |
w:heart with fond-est yearn_ing shall raise its_ joy-ful call.
A2 | "A" c2>c2 c2 c2 | "Bm" (d4  A2) A2 | "A" e3 d (cB) (AG) | "D" F6 FG |
w:While a-ges course a-long,_ blest be with loud_est_ song, the_
"D" A2 A2 A2 d2 |  "G"d4 B2 B2 | "D" A2 A2 "A7" G2>G2 | "D" F6 FG |
w:sac-red heart of Je-sus by ev-’ry heart and tongue.  The_
"D" A2 A2 A2 d2 | "G" d4  B2 B2 | "D" A2 A2 "A7" c2>c2 | "D" d6 |]
w:sac-red heart of Je-sus by ev-’ry heart and tongue.

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